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Saturday, January 8, 2011

Self-Direction Resources


Would you like to...

- Become better focussed and motivated? 
- Feel new enthusiasm and empowerment?
- Find yourself 'getting places' at last?
- Feel real pride and joy in your life?
- Be admired and loved by others who watch amazed at the new, happier you?
- Do all the above in a straightforward, not-difficult way in a matter of months?

Good news - it's available

You just need to learn a few techniques that I can teach you.
The main concepts we'll discuss are...
- how to clarify what you want - even if you're feeling vague and confused
- how to set up 'visualisation' experiences that happen automatically and constantly in your daily life
- reviewing to see your progress.

What do I do to help you?

Self-Direction Resources is me, Bruce Thomson - a personal motivator with twenty-five years of personal experience in goal setting and visualisation techniques. I have teaching qualifications and experience - which means you'll understand everything easily.

I take on one or two clients only at any time, on a pay-by-hour basis of US$50 per hour (prepaid via PayAnyone internet banking, minimum engagement of two hours) providing the following:
- In privacy I listen to you describe your situation via peaceful Skype video conference sessions and email
- We figure out what you truly seem to most want to be/do/have. The future realistic, happy you situation.
- If your job/life is boring or miserable, we use apply jobsats methods that make work enjoyable.
- We discover where your current motivational profile needs reinforcement
- We create pleasant visualisation experiences - pictures, texts and videos - that you experience effortlessly in daily life, powerfully cheering you on and celebrating your every success. 
I assure you I'm a friendly, sympathetic listener and instructor.

Who am I?

I'm a 63 years old New Zealand man with a proven background of 40 years of earning from successful self-employment in engineering, computers, teaching and technical writing. I have a paid off house, and investments enough to live without having to work a day job. I have a partner and happy love life and friends. All this I did using the techniques I'll teach you.

How do you know you can trust me?

I'm in the phone book, available by email and Skype, and I'm on hundreds of websites, so I can't hide - you can see what I'm like, you can comment on my FaceBook pages, etc. (I have to treat you well.)

Has it worked for me?

Since 1987 I have each year created my own life plan and visualisations that have powered me to achieve the things I really wanted (instead of losing heart and failing. I...
- Live in my own paid-off house with a buffer of investments to live on
- Support myself without having to do much work at all
- Enjoy a healthy, low stress life without medications or any other mood-controlling substances
- Am relaxed and cheerful most of the time
- Dabble in interesting internet enterprises like this that help others reach similar lifestyles.

Money back guarantee

If you are not satisfied, you email me and I refund your money. 'Simple as that.

Let's start now!

If you click the Buy Now button below, you go to a PayPal web page. On that pages there is an option to pay $US100 into my PayPal account - I don't get to read any credit card details, only PayPal does.

Bruce Thomson